Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Interesting stuff about BizTalk Server 2006 Business Rules Engine

I came across some interesting stuff about BizTalk Business Rules Engine and thought that I could consolidate my findings here with appropriate references. I have tried to list all references as far as possible, but it could be possible that I have missed out some since I had done this research quite a long time back.

Inserting xml nodes using Business rules
The Microsoft.RuleEngine assembly that ships with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 has a class named XmlHelper, which allows you to insert nodes into an XML document from an action in a business rule and set their values.

You can find a sample here.

Usage of static .NET objects in Business Rules
You can build business rules that only require stateful objects to be passed in as facts, and leave helper functions, lookups and the like as static objects.
For example, using standard "DateTime.Now" function contained in the mscorlib assembly, without passing an instance of that object into the rule as a fact.
The following key is required in the registry to use static objects in Business rules: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BusinessRules\3.0\StaticSupport (DWORD)

There are three valid values for this key:
0 - This is the default key, and pretty much mimics the behavior of BizTalk Server 2004 where an instance of an object is always required as an input fact, and the method is only called when the rule is evaluated or executed.
1 - An instance of the object is NOT required, and the static method is called whenever the rule is evaluated or executed
2 - An instance of the object is NOT required, but the static method will be called at rule translation time (only if the parameters are constants). This is primarily meant as a performance optimization. However, note that static members used as actions will NOT be executed at translation time, but static methods used as parameters may be.

Select 1. Restart machine after adding the registry entry.


Parameter list does not appear inside the "Call Rules" shapes "Configure Policy" dialogue box with in the Orchestration

This is one problem that you weface frequently while developing BziTalk applications. When you create a Vocubularty Definition for XML element or attribute, with "Add New Definition" wizard. After selecting the Schema file, you make sure the "Document Type" text box has same namespace as that of the schema. This is not the target namespace of the schema but the namespace of schema file. You can check this namespace in Properties of the schema file.
For example: if the namespace of the Schema is "IFRC.SI.VoiceCallsToCODA.SCH" and schema type name = "GetTelephoneCostDistribution" , then you need to set the "Document Type" value to "IFRC.SI.VoiceCallsToCODA.SCH.GetTelephoneCostDistribution".If you are not doing this step correctly, parameter list won't appear in the "Call Rules", "Configure Policy" dialogue box.

Don't set context properties while in messages while working with Business Rules
BRE actually creates a new message and sends that back to the calling orchestration. Therefore, the existing one really gets overwritten, so, be aware of that when you set context properties. If you set context properties on a message, then pass that message into a business rule, those properties disappear.
An orchestration sets up the SMTP.Subject context property on the message, and then calls a rule to set some additional message fields up. Finally, I send the message out through the SMTP adapter. As expected, the message shows up in my mailbox without a subject (actually, the message GUID was entered as the subject).
If I add a Construct shape after the Call Rules shape and reset the SMTP.Subject, then when the message is sent out through the adapter, the mail shows up in my Inbox with the dynamically set subject line.
So, be careful when setting context properties for dynamic behavior if you are also using the BRE. It's probably a best practice to set context properties as late in the process flow as possible (i.e. directly before a Send shape).

Sorry I do not remember the source for this one, nonetheless, I have found a good article with a sample on Richard Soretor's blog. You will find very interesting articles on his blog for BizTalk Server.

Modifying vocabulary after it is published and used in business rule
It can be quite irritating at times to create and publish a new version of a vocabulary once the previous version is used in a business rule, particularly in development environment. I managed to find a workaround for this by manipulating some records in BizTalkRuleEngineDb tables. But I would strongly recommend that this be tried only in development environment and not in production environment.
  1. Export the existing version of the vocabulary into xml file.
  2. Create a new version of the vocabulary and add/modify the needed definitions.
  3. Export the new version of the vocabulary into xml file.
  4. Copy the modified/added definitions in new version to xml file of the old version.
  5. Go to BizTalkRuleEngineDb database of the BizTalk Server.
  6. Open table re_vocabulary and get nVocabularyID column of your vocabulary.
  7. Open table re_ruleset_to_vocabulary_links and get nReferingRuleset for nVocabularyID fetched in previous step.
  8. Delete all rows in re_ruleset_to_vocabulary_links containing nVocabularyID as your vocabulary id.
  9. Delete entry in re_vocabulary containing nVocabularyID as your vocabulary id.
  10. Import the existing version vocabulary file.
  11. Insert entries into re_ruleset_to_vocabulary_links for all rule sets fetched in step 7 with the new nVocabularyID .

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